"He who lies about himself will lie about anything else." Looking at this quote speaks volumes about a lot of people that we know that insist on impressing people that neither care about them nor think about them on a regular basis. Why is it like that? People that have a problem representing themselves and their products don't actually believe the value that they nor their product possess.
It was stated in the previous blog post that you should be willing to purchase the product that you're selling even if you don't presently own it-at least be willing. Why would you sell a product or represent a product that you're not willing to own? If you're trying to sell a product that you don't believe in, your customer will recognize it immediately. No matter now good of a liar you are, the truth will always be revealed. It will show that you don't have much confidence in yourself nor your product.
If you have to sell a product that you don't know much about, spend the necessary time needed to learn about your product so that you can represent it with confidence and poise. What if you don't have faith in the product. Have enough faith in yourself to not misrepresent yourself and walk away from the product and either sell something else that your company produces or walk away from the company all together. Remember, if you're misrepresenting the product that you're selling, you're misrepresenting yourself. Always be honest with yourself and never misrepresent your product!
Daryl K. Dandredge, VP
Epiphany Consulting, LLC