Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Success Secret #2: Never Misrepresent Your Product

"He who lies about himself will lie about anything else." Looking at this quote speaks volumes about a lot of people that we know that insist on impressing people that neither care about them nor think about them on a regular basis. Why is it like that? People that have a problem representing themselves and their products don't actually believe the value that they nor their product possess.

It was stated in the previous blog post that you should be willing to purchase the product that you're selling even if you don't presently own it-at least be willing. Why would you sell a product or represent a product that you're not willing to own? If you're trying to sell a product that you don't believe in, your customer will recognize it immediately. No matter now good of a liar you are, the truth will always be revealed. It will show that you don't have much confidence in yourself nor your product.

If you have to sell a product that you don't know much about, spend the necessary time needed to learn about your product so that you can represent it with confidence and poise. What if you don't have faith in the product. Have enough faith in yourself to not misrepresent yourself and walk away from the product and either sell something else that your company produces or walk away from the company all together. Remember, if you're misrepresenting the product that you're selling, you're misrepresenting yourself. Always be honest with yourself and never misrepresent your product!

Daryl K. Dandredge, VP
Epiphany Consulting, LLC

Friday, October 29, 2010

Success Secret #1: Believe in Your Product

Throughout my years in sales, I have sold a plethora of products and it seems that the ones that I had the most success in were the products that I believed in the most. The ones that I knew would stand up to the promises that I made about them.

I've seen this not only in my sales career, but also in my own life. The things that I believed the most about myself is what I've had the most success in. My marriage has been blessed tremendously because I believe in the sanctity of marriage. My children are blessed because I believe in training up children in the way they should go in order for them to be successful in life. My speaking career is successful because I believe the best form of communication is talking. I love to talk! But seriously, those things that are the most important to me are the things that I believe in the most.

What is the product in your life that you're trying to sell? First of all, you must believe in yourself. If you don't believe in you, how do you expect somebody else to believe in you? Ask yourself this question, "Why should anyone want to buy me if the sign hanging from my neck says 'Defective', based on how I act and talk. " It's the same thing with any product that you're in search of. If the sign says broken, would you want to buy it? Probably not. Remove the sign from your neck that says, "Defective" and start believing in yourself as being a productive, progressive and prolific person that is worth billions to anybody who comes into your life or you into theirs. Make them want to buy you.

Now the question is, what are you selling, producing or manufacturing? How much do you believe in that product? How would it benefit anybody that receives it? Are you willing to own it yourself? If you're not willing to buy it, why would you even want to sell it. Mind you, I did not say if you don't own it, I said, if you're not willing to buy it? Obviously, you can't own everything that you sell, but is it worth owning in your eyesight? If not, either stop presenting it or put it away until you start believing in it and watch how your profits grow, whether in finances or in life.

As Ziz Ziglar says, "See you over the top!"

Daryl K. Dandredge, VP
Epiphany Consulting, LLC

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

15 Secrets for Success

Many people spend the majority of their lives trying to figure out why they are not successful. In my times of interviewing and counseling, the majority of people that have not reached the level of success that they thought they should have by this particular time in their lives, are typically puzzeled and always ask the question, "Where did I go wrong?" Even though there is not a cookie cutter template for success, there are some things that if we would apply them consistently, we will see levels of success that our counterparts can only dream of.

Take time to meditate on these Secrets for Success, then apply them a little at a time as they become a part of your natural life. The more comfortable you become with them, the easier it becomes for you. And before you know it, you will be mastering success like you never dreamed. These tips are from Mike Murdock who is one of the world leaders in successful leadership training.

  1. Believe in your product
  2. Never misrepresent your product
  3. Take time to plan
  4. Take time to rest
  5. Be a problem solver
  6. Realize you don't have to close every deal to be a success
  7. Be willing to go where you've never gone before
  8. Understand timing and preparation
  9. Develop a passion for your goal
  10. Educate your down-line
  11. Constantly consult with your up-line
  12. Pursue the mentorship of more experienced people
  13. Set specific goals with intricate details
  14. Recognize the Law of Repetition
  15. Always be thinking of tomorrow

As I stated earlier, there is not a cookie cutter template, but if you apply these principles, look for success to occur to move you to the place that you believe you deserve in life. Once you get there, start all over again for the next level of success that you are reaching for. Stay tuned to clarification of the laws to help you obtain that success you're longing for.

Calling all successful people,

Daryl K. Dandredge, VP
Epiphany Consulting, LLC

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The event was an awesome success, we are so happy to have done it and look for more events coming soon!

Monday, August 9, 2010


The Event is less than two weeks away! GET READY GET READY GET READY! Get there early! the place will be packed!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Talk with Camp Positive!

Daryl and I really enjoyed our time with the Master Anderson Camp Positive Mentors today! We really enjoyed the groups energy and look forward to working with you again! You motivated us today to keep on through the musical interlude! Thank You!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Powerful Quote

"Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser." George Steinbrenner, III

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Our Club

Oginga and I spoke today to the Our Club Site Coordinators this morning and had an awesome time. Those coordinators are exhilerating and exciting. We presented to them the Musicial Interlude of Life, what's the music playing for your story of life while you're moving to the next level? We also showed them a M.A.P. to help them move to the next level: Move From Low Level Thinking, Apply next level thinking, and Prepare for Top Level Rewards.

We are looking forward to working with the Our Club organization to help them propel to the next level.

Thank you Our Club,

Daryl D.

Wild Fires

A talk about self sabotage

Super Hero

This speech is in tribute to my father David Carr, Sr. It landed me in the top 150 speakers in the world for Toastmasters International 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Epiphany for 6/3/10

Welcome to a New Way of Thinking!
What's your Epiphany? Mine is, "Stop living for what you have and start living for what you want."

Daryl D.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010