Tuesday, October 26, 2010

15 Secrets for Success

Many people spend the majority of their lives trying to figure out why they are not successful. In my times of interviewing and counseling, the majority of people that have not reached the level of success that they thought they should have by this particular time in their lives, are typically puzzeled and always ask the question, "Where did I go wrong?" Even though there is not a cookie cutter template for success, there are some things that if we would apply them consistently, we will see levels of success that our counterparts can only dream of.

Take time to meditate on these Secrets for Success, then apply them a little at a time as they become a part of your natural life. The more comfortable you become with them, the easier it becomes for you. And before you know it, you will be mastering success like you never dreamed. These tips are from Mike Murdock who is one of the world leaders in successful leadership training.

  1. Believe in your product
  2. Never misrepresent your product
  3. Take time to plan
  4. Take time to rest
  5. Be a problem solver
  6. Realize you don't have to close every deal to be a success
  7. Be willing to go where you've never gone before
  8. Understand timing and preparation
  9. Develop a passion for your goal
  10. Educate your down-line
  11. Constantly consult with your up-line
  12. Pursue the mentorship of more experienced people
  13. Set specific goals with intricate details
  14. Recognize the Law of Repetition
  15. Always be thinking of tomorrow

As I stated earlier, there is not a cookie cutter template, but if you apply these principles, look for success to occur to move you to the place that you believe you deserve in life. Once you get there, start all over again for the next level of success that you are reaching for. Stay tuned to clarification of the laws to help you obtain that success you're longing for.

Calling all successful people,

Daryl K. Dandredge, VP
Epiphany Consulting, LLC

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