I have the joy of raising my 4th teen, 6th if you want to count my neice and nephew while living in the house with them before I got married. I declare that my mother didn't have the issues out of me that mine have put me through. Well, maybe I did, because I remember hearing her say, "I hope your kids put you through what you're putting me through, and worst!" I didn't think I was such a bad kid. I was just being a kid.
I have 2 sons and 2 daughters. All with very different personalities. From very quite to very verbose! From an attitude of, "Whatever.", to "Why????", and everything in between. But through it all, it has helped me be able to deal with all types of personalities and I'm loving it all the way. As I blogged on yesterday, Love is in the Air, it really is. People love to love and to be loved. People love reaching out and sharing what's naturally in them. Even though they may not share it with everybody the same, they love to share it with someone. My in-between child, which is my 16 year old baby daughter, surprised me to all heavens. She has the personality that says "whatever and why" all in the same breath. Don't ask me, I'm just as confused as you are. Holidays are always just about her. "What did you get me? Nothing? O Ok. I didn't get you nothing either." But yesterday 2/14/11, Valentine's Day, was altogether different. She didn't ask me what did I get her, she gave me the surprise of my life.
I went out yesterday morning before she got up and when I return home, she was awake looking at television. Much to her surprise, so that we could spend some time together, I just went and started watching this "girly" show with her. She was so pleased and shocked that I was actually not texting or on my phone that she just staired at me hoping I didn't see her stairing. I was geniunely watching it and it was a pretty cool show. I sat through the program for 1 solid hour, told her I had to go into my office to work and she said, "OK." Without even a grumble. Much to my surprise, on my keyboard was a Valentine's Day card from her that read, "A DAD is...Trusted, Adored, Admired, Respected, Loved, Teasured, Appreciated. For longer than I can remember, you've lifted me up and made me feel secure. You've taught me so many life lessons, loved me unconditionally, and believed in me endlessly...no wonder you were my first Valentine! Happy Valentine's Day with all my love. Olivia-2011. But wait, that's not all. It had MONEY IN IT TOO!!! Raising Teenages-It's All Worth It!
You never know what you're depositing into a child when you tell them they're special even when others tell them they are not and they don't believe it themselves. Our job is to make deposits into them and expect a huge withdrawal from them, when you least expect it. Keep planting the seeds of hope and you'll produce a field of your dreams.
Daryl K. Dandredge, VP
Epiphany Consulting, LLC
PO Box 22473
Little Rock, AR 72211
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